For the last year, Baptist Prep has been encouraging our families and staff as we implement Kingdom Education across our campuses. Kingdom Education according to Dr. Glen Schultz is “uniting the home, church, and school through a biblical philosophy of education for the purpose of educating future generations to think and act for a biblical worldview.” As Baptist Prep continues to further our mission which is to glorify God by assisting families in the Christ-centered biblically directed education of their children, we believe that Kingdom Education has to be implemented.
“Dr. Schultz often says that our children are our greatest homework assignment,” said Dr. Greg Jones Baptist Prep President and Head of School. “We believe this to be true as well. Our job at Baptist Prep is to come alongside parents as they raise their children and do all that we can to encourage them as well as to teach our students a biblical worldview.”
Throughout the year, our staff has participated in several training opportunities led by staff who have attended conferences hosted by Kingdom Education Ministries. In addition, our Baptist Prep family has access to the resources provided by the Ministry.
“There is a wealth of information on the Kingdom Education Ministries website,” said Tom Hall Director of Technology. “Because of our partnership with KEM our parents, faculty, and staff, all have free access to the resources provided. To set up a free account, parents can go to their Baptist Prep app and click on the Kingdom Education icon.”
This week, Kipp Stiles, Dr. Todd Self, and Tom Hall led our staff through training to assist them as they implement Kingdom Education in their classrooms. This was done by discussing six of the 14 Biblical Principles of Education that Dr. Schultz outlined. These principles included the following:
- The education of children and youth must have as its primary goals the salvation of and discipleship of the next generation
- The education of children and youth must be based on God’s Word as absolute truth.
- The education of children and youth, if and when delegated to others by parents, must be done so with utmost care to ensure that all teachers follow these principles.
- The education of children and youth must lead to true wisdom by connecting all knowledge to a biblical worldview frame of reference.
- The education of children and youth results in performing work in fulfillment of God’s will for their lives.
- The education of children and youth must be characterized by the pursuit of biblical excellence based on godly character resulting in competent performance.
Our prayer for our students is that they will come to know Christ and that they will grow in their relationship with Him as they discover His plan for their lives. As we work with students and families, we believe that Kingdom Education is the best way to help our students toward this goal. In order to best assist our families in this goal, we are very pleased to provide our families with access to Kingdom Education Ministries’ prime content. We believe this information will prove to be an invaluable resource that will give you amazing insight into God’s plan for educating your children.
How to access your Kingdom Education Ministries account:
- Read through these instructions and then complete the registration form at the link below. Be sure to enter “The Baptist Preparatory School” for the Name of Church or School.
- After entering the required information, click the Sign Up button at the bottom of the form to submit your registration. A thank you message should be displayed.
- Hover the cursor over Members Only and then click Prime Content to explore resources.
- When you return to the KEM website later, you will need to hover the cursor over Members Only and then click Log In to access the prime content.
It is our sincere hope that you will find time to access this information and that it will be a valuable tool as you endeavor to prepare your children for life and for eternity.